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🌎 Portfolio using Hugo


Version 1 of lachlanmckay.com was a great success in that I was able to get my feet wet with hosting, deployment and some source management using Hugo. However it still had many problems related to load times, SEO and navigtation. I aimed to fix these issues in the second version, which you can read about here


The aim for this project was to create a personal website that I could show to potential employers. I wanted it to include a portfolio of impressive visual content as the main attraction.



The tables below give a complete list of all the technologies involved in the first phase of this site, and how I used them.

Hosting Tech

GithubSource code hosting
AWS S3Static file hosting
Google Cloud StorageMedia file hosting (images/video/pdfs etc.)

Development Tech

HugoStatic HTML generation. Main development tool
SassCSS preprocessing (built into Jekyll)
JqueryPowerful javascript extension, required by other .js plugins
GitVersion control
Real Favicon GeneratorCreating favicon files for many platforms


What went well?

What could be improved?

What still puzzles me?

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