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🎮 Swordslide


In Swordslide, you play as Akio, a fallen samurai who is pursuing his deceased lover through descending levels of the afterlife.

The objective is to eliminate enemies in a given level as quickly as possible. Levels are unlocked in an “angry birds” style star system - completing bonus challenges in a level unlocks more soul points, which are required to unlock subsequent levels.


Matthew DizonProgrammer, UI
Brandon DitchamTeam lead, gameplay design, UI design
Benjamin JongArt direction, design, texturing and post processing
Lachlan McKayCharacter modelling & animation, VFX, player agency engineering, enemy behaviour & AI, level generation
Martin MorrisProgrammer
Jarod RileyEnvironment & prop modelling


Our goal for swordslide was to create a wide range of varied enemy behaviours and types, that were visually distinct. The player should be able to guess what an enemy will do immediately upon first sight based on it’s appearance.

After a lengthy 6-month development period, the team’s excitement around the idea began to fade. Being fresh out of university, we began to pick up other commitments. Currently, this project has been left in a state of limbo.

I would really like to begin a new project with these guys at a more convenient time in the future, as we are great friends and share a great passion for awesome games.

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